Thursday, January 14, 2010

Confessions During Deployment

Okay, it's not like I have anything to bad to confess, I just thought I would own up to some of things I do while home alone with three kids for months. Adam does have a tentative date to return: February 19th

  1. I seem to watch A LOT chick flicks. And I watch the same ones over and over. We currently have HBO, gratis I'd like to add, and with that HBO comes HBO onDemand. So, you get a select list of movies and shows to watch whenever you want. I have to admit I have watched Bride Wars, 27 Dresses , and He's Just Not That Into You more than should be allowed. Especially Bride Wars. I am probably close to 10 or more times. Not that the movie is even that great. The more I see it, the more I like it. Hmmm….
  2. I have not really cooked in ages. I did cook around the holidays and felt a little out of practice. Cooking right now is making a salad or roasting some veggies. Oh, I did make some soups and then froze the leftovers. That was pretty handy. It is amazing that the kids would eat some type of nugget and apple, applesauce or salad every night.
  3. The kids have eaten almost every meal at the bar on bar stools. I can just hear Adam now, "I'm bringing manners back to this house!" (That was for you, Christine ; ) If anyone wants to hear a funny story about THAT, email me.) Sometimes, the TV is on while we eat.
  4. I drink a glass of wine almost every night. On bad nights, it is two. Even worse nights like in-laws here, more than two: I won't confess the real number!!!
  5. I am totally selfish – I have not enrolled Rachel in gymnastics or ballet so I can go to the gym more. I really love my gym too.
  6. I let the kids watch more TV than they should and go to bed later than they should. Rachel will put herself to bed. Russ is a night owl, although a couple times he has looked at the clock and told he should really go to bed.
  7. I let Rowan have his bink, aka the 'nink', whenever he wants. I don't even try to have him use it less during the day. Adam is all about the nink going away when he gets back. He can do it and brag about it too. More power to him!
  8. When Rowan wakes up earlier than I want, I bring him to bed with me to try to get a few more winks in. I usually don't get any more sleep, but now I have created a BAD habit. It is almost every morning and sometimes it is more of a hassle, what's the point?
  9. We have only picked up dog poop in the backyard like twice Adam left. He's a little dog.
  10. I seem to never have time to take the kids out to the park or to ride bikes, so I helped Rachel set up her own bike track on the patio in the backyard to ease my pang of guilt.



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