Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Big Ultrasound

We have been looking forward to this ultrasound for a long time. Would it be a boy like we thought it was, would it be another girl? Whose generous offers of hand me downs were coming our way??? This baby is enough of a surprise, so we really wanted to know what he or she would be. In fact when Dawn had been teasing me that she was hoping this baby might be shy and we wouldn't be able to tell, I promptly said I would pay for another ultrasound myself if I had to!! I scheduled the appt. when I knew Adam would be off from work (before we left for Atlanta), after Rachel's soccer tots, and after the academic portion of the school day for Russ, (so he could come too and he'd only miss lunch and art).

We picked up Russell and headed over, we are all very excited! We get in the room and the nurse turns off the light so we can all see the big TV that projected all the images and Rachel starts crying. Then I get up on the bed/table so the nurse can start and Rachel is screaming. She wants on the table, she wants to sit with me (no room), she wants, she wants, and oh yeah, she wants! She's getting louder and louder and Adam says he has to take her out. She had passed the point of no return, she was that worked up. He had to take her to the car, screaming the whole way, lots of staring, he gets her a juice, she slurps it down and falls asleep. Poor guy. He stays out there in the car, not wanting to repeat anything that just happened!

So, that leaves me and Russ watching the ultrasound. Russ was a lot of fun and was so into it. He could see a lot of what she was pointing out. Every once in a while she'd print a picture just for Russell to keep. The nurse is measuring everything that needs to be measured and she goes quickly past the legs and I saw it. I turned to her and said do you know what the sex is? She says she is pretty sure was going to wait to do that part when my husband returned. I laughed and said, Rachel is done, she was so far gone that he won't be coming back. I thought it was nice of her to want to wait, but I knew Adam wasn't coming back. She goes back to the area and sure enough, we see it again. Definitely a boy! Sch-wing! Ha! No extra ultrasound for this child. I told the nurse about Dawn and she laughed and said she's pretty good at finding it when the parents want to know so they don't have to pay for another one.

Now, something new for this pregnancy is the 3D pictures you can get from an ultrasound. The baby has to be very still in order for it really to work. And this baby was moving nonstop. She even asked me if I had just had some sugar or OJ or caffeine - the kid was a mover. And, he kept his face covered with either his hands or his feet! It turns out that the baby moves a lot when I am hungry and I was hungry at the ultrasound. She did manage to get two 3D pictures, but they look like he has holes in skull, which he doesn't. Apparently the pictures can look a lot better than ones we got, which is pretty amazing since the ones we got are that bad, minus the holes of course!

We did get to see the baby's tongue stick out and he moved his mouth for us too. That was pretty cool - I hadn't ever seen that before. He is still laying side ways in my belly instead of up and down, but there's still time for him to move into position. I guess the placenta is a little lower than normal, but I think Rachel was the same way and it moved up. The concern there is to not block the way out for the baby! So, we might get one more look at him in a couple of months to make sure the placenta has moved up, we'll see. The nurse is hoping to get another chance to do a 3D picture!

The baby still has no name! We definitely like Andrew for his middle name. Right now we have been going back and forth between Rowan and Ryan, but we may just go for a non R name. For some reason I think he won't get his name until he's born and we can see him.

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