Monday, July 02, 2007

Progress on the Potty?

Hmmm, well this what my life has come down to - getting excited over poop in the potty! (My apologies to those who have no interest in this!!) Ha! It finally happened, Rachel made an effort to do number two. Now usually when the #2 happens, she will start saying "Where does poo poo go? In the potty!!" And that meant of course she had pooped in her diaper/pull up. But last night she was in the shower and stuck her head out and said something to the effect of that she needed to go potty. Success? A lot of stinky success! I used the nausea bit to get Adam to wipe and clean the potty. It wasn't a lie, it stunk and I am queasy. We were more excited than her about the whole experience. Maybe her indifference will equal more success? We'll see.....

I went to my first OB appt. last Friday. I liked the doctor, he was very nice, friendly, etc. I had a sonogram and saw the baby. It is about the size of a strawberry and you could see its heart beating, very cool. Everything is good. The official due date is February 10, 2008. The sonogram pictures are a little fuzzy, so I am not going to post one, but I'll get another sonogram in about 10-12 weeks. Those should be easier to see and I'll post it then.

Oh and before I forget.... Thank you for the all the name suggestions! The most interesting suggestion was from Schelley - Raavi. Everyone she knows with this name is a lot of fun and we'd definitely be giving the baby a good chance at a lifetime of fun if we chose that name : ) We are going to expand the search to A names and see if anything grabs us. The R names just don't seem to stand out like Russell and Rachel did to us. We definitely still have a lot of time and who knows what will sound good in 2 months?

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